A zero day is where you wake up in town, spend the whole day there and spend that night. A Nero (near zero) is where you spend just one night in town.
We did a full zero to resupply and recover a little. Page showed up in the am with a full Waffle House spread. So we gorged again.
Gavin (aka Barney Rubble) grilled some burgers for supper and we hit the rack early to rest up for another 4 day leg to Hiawasee, GA.
Wow Rob! This all sounds fantastic. I am praying for you on daily. I have a looonnggg list of things I'm praying for on your behalf....miracles.....divine appointments....lasting friendships....renewed vision, etc.
Good morning Rob,
As you start the day, keep this in mind:
“Your life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change”